Energy Management
Energy management aims to ensure efficient energy consumption in order to maximize profit by minimizing energy costs. We offer specialized consultancy in preparing the energy management plan by presenting the best-known solutions worldwide.
The Energy Management Plan represents an important step towards increasing the company’s profitability and consists of developing a short, medium and long-term strategy that will achieve the proposed energy efficiency targets.
Technical and Financial comparative analysis
Based on an impressive experience in the field, EnergoBit works together with its customers to optimize energy consumption by transforming energy losses into financial gains.
Following a rigorous analysis of the current situation, EnergoBit offers personalized solutions for reducing energy consumption and streamlining specific technological flows.
Our company can also advise its customers to obtain cost-effective financials in implementing the proposed efficiency projects.
For guaranteed results, we are ready to help you make the right decision about the investment you need to make. We offer reliable solutions by minimizing the risks and also by taking into account all the factors that could influence the proposed solutions: inflation, rising energy tariffs, changes in equipment prices etc.
Consultancy in attaining financing facilities
EnergoBit offers all its customers the best solutions to prepare a business plan.
Our specialists will provide the necessary documentation, such as:
- Feasibility study
- Solution study
- Drafting the EPC (energy performance contract)
- Business plan
- Development plan
In order to ensure a correct approach to financing requests, EnergoBit can take over the responsibility for preparing the necessary documents and will provide expert advice throughout the project implementation period.
As part of the energy efficiency strategy, we can provide energy efficiency technologies used for the development of an Energy Efficiency project. We use a wide range of technologies such as:
- LED technology
- Cogeneration (CHP) or Trigeneration
- Automatization for industrial processes
- Efficient motors and frequency converters
- Smart metering
- Heat recovery
- Monitoring, controlling and managing energy consumption using tele-management systems
- Intelligent buildings using BMS (building management system)
Regarding power cogeneration, EnergoBit offers complete solutions that can generate great savings, assuring measurable objectives for any business. The main goal of cogeneration is , resulting in a lower fuel consumption and a reduced impact on the environment.
From the experience gained from the projects we have already implemented, in case of natural gas cogeneration, the production costs for thermic and electrical power are 20-25% smaller compared to other traditional solutions. The maintenance and operation costs are also diminished and the installation is completely automated.
The power cogeneration projects best fit the large energy consumers (steam, heat, electricity and chilled water consumers), regardless of their business sector, where the annual operating/functioning costs are very high.
EnergoBit can also provide a large range of lighting solutions for public administrations and institutions, as well as for the private sector, both indoor and outdoor, based on the latest technological developments in this field, including LED, and ensures the best performances. The complex solutions provided by the company comply with and promote the fundamental principles in lighting: functionality, aesthetics, harmony, efficiency, endurance, ergonomics and versatility.
Energy efficiency is a complex solution that reduces energy related costs. It can also influence the feasibility of any business project and we, at EnergoBit, do our best to support our customers with the highest quality services.