Career Days @ Technical University

Bringing knowledge and concrete information, guiding and advising students regarding their education and career offers, about their professional development possibilities, or ways of training the necessary skills to obtain a job are mandatory in supporting the next generations of professionals!

EnergoBit operates in the Romanian energy industry. One of the pillars of our development strategy is to promote a culture of a transparent communication. Our purpose is to bring a valuable contribution for students by ensuring a smoother transition from education towards the labor market!

Companies’ involvement in student’s development gives them the opportunity to gain the skills they need to become effective and productive members of the workforce in the future. Internship programs or other forms of collaboration offer students practical experience and a better understanding of demands or expectations of the labor market. Effective communication between students/graduates and employers is crucial to opening up new opportunities and a clearer vision of their future professional life. Students bring freshness and creativity, which can fuel innovation and development within companies.

We felt enthusiatics to be present this year also at the Career Days Fair organised by Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, where we had the opportunity to offer students a valuable input of how to discover resources and ways to enhance their skills in their professional start! These events are a fantastic opportunity to connect with future professionals and to show ourselves as a top potential employer in our industry.

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