Integrated management & regulations

The integrated management system certification offers the opportunity to recognize this capability, ensuring the market access of EnergoBit Group's organizations, fulfilling the bidding criteria, attracting new clients through the added trust capital offered, representing an advantage in the competitive battle.

Declaration of Policy


Environmental information and SSM

EnergoBit SA has committed to apply the best practices regarding the workplace and to comply with all legal requirements regarding the environmental protection, health and safety at work, child labor, forced and compulsory labor, freedom of association and the right to collective negotiation, discrimination, disciplinary practices, work schedule and remuneration.

Within EnergoBit Group, the environmental policy considers the continuous improvement of performance and the integration of environmental management into the board`s strategic management emphasizing on pollution prevention. At the EnergoBit Group level, we have an environmental management system that was implemented and certified according to the requirements of SR EN ISO 14001: 2015 standard.

On-site waste management is realised according to legal requirements. The waste prevention and reduction plan is established along with the suitable monitoring indicators.

Reaching the objectives stated by law for the extended liability of the producer within the EnergoBit Group is achieved through – contracts with authorized operators, who have taken over the responsibilities of collecting, valorizing and recycling electrical and electronic equipment waste, batteries and accumulators, as well as for the packaging introduced on the national market.


Obligations towards the Environmental Fund Administration are fulfilled by submitting monthly statements.

The monitoring of environmental factors, imposed by the environmental authorization, more specifically the monitoring of waste water and rain water, reveal that the measured parameters are situated within the maximum allowed limits, provided by the legal requirements, which means that the activities conducted have a low impact on the environment.

No sanctions were imposed on the EnergoBit Group in the first two quarters of 2024. In the first two quarters of 2024 no complaints from stakeholders regarding environmental protection were received.


Within the EnergoBit Group, the prevention of accidents and occupational illnesses is achieved through an appropriate policy that aims to continuously improve performance and integrate health and safety management into the strategic management of the board. At the EnergoBit Group level, an Occupational Health and Safety Management System has been implemented and certified according to the requirements of SR ISO 45001:2018 standard.

The implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System ensures the systematic knowledge and application of the legislation regarding safety and health at work.








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