New Projects for EnergoBit – Autumn 2018

Two important contracts have been signed by EnergoBit during September and October 2018, their completion being scheduled for 2019 and first half of 2020.

The first contract “ Nadas 110/20/10kV substation modernization”, consists in the supply of detailed design, replacement of medium-voltage switchgears with twenty-six MOD24 EnergoBit switchgears, upgrade of three 110kV switchgears (two of transformer and one coupler), replacement of protection cubicles and internal distribution boards, equipment manufactured by EnergoBit. The substation is located in Cluj Napoca, scheduled works being completed in 2020.

The second contract “Detailed Design, As Built and DIF Craiova 110/20kV electric power substation modernization, Dolj”, involves supply of detailed design, replacement of medium-voltage switchgears with nineteen MOD 24 EnergoBit switchgears, upgrade of thirteen 110kV switchgears, replacement of protection, SCADA and internal distribution boards, manufactured by EnergoBit and building of an HV, MV and LV training area.

Congratulations to all our colleagues involved in the tendering process and success to our colleagues from the Operational Department in their work!

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